Healthy Snacking

by Alesha Jansen

Healthy Snacking

                                              Healthy Snacking


Healthy snacking can sometimes be tricky to navigate through, with so many choice yet we often run stuck on what to choice or simply run into a runt with our snack creation. In this blog article you will find a few different options which I hope will help you. 


Snack #1 Bumper Cakes,( which you can purchase from this link ) they are 100 % sprouted whole grain, low in sugar . They also have your daily need of antioxidants, 13 grams of protein, great source of naturally occurring probiotics, prebiotic and complex carbs. They make great on the go, after school, sport, fitness, mid-morning snack or late at night.


Snack #2 Energy bites, they can be made by something as simple as a sprouted cereal, nut butter, a protein or (180msmoothie mix) top with organic dark chocolate, to beet root and much more. You can pack them full of all the nutrition you need in a snack. By add sprouted baby cereals you will increase the nutritional value to your snack. Below are a few links to recipes. Enjoy they are fun to make and if you have children they will love helping Rollin get them into balls.



Snack #3 Fruits and veggies, area always a great option and by having a tray or container full of a vanity of them can make them easily ready. Try adding in some super fruits as well.


Snack #4 Protein bars can also help keep your blood sugar levels stable though out the day, however make sure your protein bar of choice is not pack full of fillers, and sugary additives which are not needed. Try making your own and they can be stored in the freezer for convenience.



Snack #5 Smoothies, this may not sound like a snack worth but it will curve your cravings, fill you up and keep your sugar level stable. Also a another great way to sneak in sprouted nutritional products into your diet. Sprouted is 300-900 % higher than non-sprouted products in nutritional value making your body function at its very best.  Just keep in mind that it is a snack and don’t go overboard on the size. They are easy to take, and you can have the combinations of what you like in the freezer, then simply and liquid of choice blend and enjoy on the go. Below you can find a few delicious recipes.


Lastly remember to drink a lot of water during the day, aim to drink half your body weight in ounces, not only does it help increase your metabolize, but it helps flush out unwanted toxins from your body. Keeps your skin glowing and healthy, brain functionally without the foggy feeling, and keeps un needed food cravings at bay. Remember your body is 60 % water and we often forget to hydrate ourselves well. Cheers to a happy and healthy you.

Alesha Jansen
Alesha Jansen


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