Creating A Kitchen: Happy and Healthy

by Alesha Jansen

Creating A Kitchen: Happy and Healthy

Creating A Kitchen: Happy and Healthy


Making your kitchen into a healthy place can be over whelming in the beginning, but we also what you to stay on track with a healthy kitchen making it a happy place with no room for hungry. Healthy can be easy, delicious, and fun. Below you will find tips on how to make it happen in your house! Even the pickiest eater still can have healthy choices; it may take a bit of time to get use to the change depending on your current lifestyle and occupation but it is possible. So let’s get started.


1: Add sprouted grains into your pantry and daily life. They are easy to use, easy to store, and easy to digest. Plus they have more nutrition than some of your vegetables. They do not digest as other flours in your body, but they digest as if you were eating your veggies! Go ahead and add them into your life. Also add in sprouted cereals they are a game changer for many who mix them into a smoothie, add them into a recipe, or eat them as a hot cereal. Your body will thank you.

2: Get rid of your processed foods (mixes or foods with white sugar, white flour, preservatives and other unhealthy ingredients) , stock your fridge and freezes with nutritional goodies, such as veggies, fruits, your choice in meats, ( if you eat meat, try and get grass feed and/or organic), yogurts or kefir, cheese (organic is a better choice).

3: What you should have in your pantry is complexed carbs, such as (rolled oats, sweet potatoes, chia seeds, hemp seed, organic pasta ) for sweeteners try going for honey, maple syrup, monk fruit, organic cane sugar, organic dark chocolate, dried fruit. Had a good source of dried and canned beans, organic spaghetti sauce, artichokes, onions, spices and organic nut butters. Make sure to check the labels to make sure there is no sugar added.

4: Your fridge should a nice source for greens ( kale, spinach, Swiss chard , broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini , cucumber, peppers, fresh herbs if possible ) and a selections of fruits which you enjoy eating and snacking on. Organic butters, milk, free range eggs, Store frozen foods and veggies in the freezer for easy storing of veggies and fruits. Remember to drink lots of water and have fun with the options, healthy can be bursting with flavor and deliciousness.

5: Start a fresh herb garden in your house, not only does it add a splash of green and fragrance but is also very handy to have fresh herbs and other items on hand. Below are a few different links:


5: Start meal planning if you have a busy schedule so you can stay on track with healthy options. It’s okay to have the occasional cheat snack or meal. Take into consideration if you are emotional eater, or eat from being bored, stressed, etc. Also by meal planning you won’t be stuck with what to have when rushed because you have that base covered already. Don’t over stress! That is not what we what to happen, we what to have a well-balanced kitchen as stress free as possible making life less complicated and easy to stay on track with you. Find what works for you, it is different for everyone and make it happen. The effort into making a happy and healthy body and mind possible no matter how busy you are is worth it. The body and mind work together and both need to be nourished.  Below I have attached a few links with more information about creating a happy healthy home.




Cheers to a happy you.

Alesha Jansen
Alesha Jansen


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